Weigh In May 20th

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I gained another pound this week.  I’m a little frustrated because all things considered, I felt like this week was a fairly good one.  I watched what I ate most of the week (this weekend excluded, which I will get to momentarily), spent most of the week outside walking, gardening, or otherwise moving around, and drank plenty of water.  I’m fairly sure that this weekend was what tripped me up.  My fiance and I went to visit his family and celebrate our nephew’s third birthday (I can’t believe he’s that old already!!!).  Now, while I love his family, and very much enjoy visiting them, it is always a food nightmare for me when I go. For some reason, I always seem to forget my Brita bottle for water whenever I travel, and my fiance’s family uses well water (which tastes pretty awful and isn’t all that healthy to drink). So I end up gulping down on their amply stocked non-diet soda (not that diet is much better for you, but at least the calories aren’t there).  And the food choices aren’t much better.  We usually eat out for most of the meals when my fiance and I visit (excluding holidays of course). I think I’ve blogged about this in the past, but when eating out in their small town, the options are gas station food (and pizza from the gas station) or driving to another nearby town for mom-and-pop-diner food (delicious, but absolutely calorie laden).  So I mostly drank soda and ate potato chips, pizza and birthday cake this weekend.

There.  My shameful confession is out.  I’m not ashamed that I drank non-diet soda or ate potato chips and cake, but I’m not proud that they comprised the overwhelming majority of my diet this weekend.  So what am I planning to do about it this week?  Well, I’m going to get back on track.  Slip ups happen.  They happen with me more than I’d like to think about, but one of the things that I’ve learned on this health journey is that it’s not the amount of times that you slip and fall that matters, but rather the amount of times that you pick yourself up and get back on track after.  I’ve already walked around my triangle (I still can’t bring myself to call it a block when it isn’t) which is a little over a mile and worked my arms and shoulders this morning.  I’m 40 oz of water in already (think I’m going to shoot for a gallon today), and I’ve got some “fresh” green beans that I’m going to saute in a tiny bit of canola oil with some mushrooms for lunch.  I’ve got to devote some time to my thesis this morning, so tomorrow I’ll probably spend the day planning my meals for the rest of the week.

Among my usual fitness goals that I am aiming to maintain this week, I have a goal of stockpiling some healthy recipes that I can easily make and that I can convince my fiance to partake in as well.  I’ve successfully transitioned him over to skim milk, lean ground turkey and venison (which is awesome if you or someone you know hunts; otherwise it’s quite expensive and difficult to find)j.  Now I just need to get him into the green veggies (which apparently “is what food eats”).  I am so very successful at staying on track when I plan out meals ahead of time, so if I can find a way to streamline that this week, I know it will help me in many weeks to come.

Only 70 lbs to go! 🙂

About Sarasponda


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