Fitness Goals

So I was once told that if you are not chasing a goal, you are only chasing the wind (or something like that).  I recently stumbled across another blog that reminded me of the importance of setting goals for myself.  I have many abstract goals already: I would like to graduate (ok, not that abstract right off the bat), I want to get a decent paying job after school, I want to be a good wife and life partner, I want to be a good Mom (someday), I want to be healthy, and I want to leave my mark on the world.  I feel with a little gentle guidance, most of these things will fall into place one way or another; and as I have little to no experience with most of the aforementioned goals I’ll stick with being healthy for the extent of this list.  I’ll be sure to come back and update this list as I check things off and add more to it.  So without further delay, I give you my list of tangible goals for being healthy!

Get down to 140 pounds.  I’ve still got a long way to go, but every journey begins with a single step.

Maintain my weight loss for 6 months.

Maintain my weight loss for 1 year.

Maintain my weight loss for 2 years.

Maintain my weight loss for 3 years.

Use the weight machine for curls instead of my resistance band *Side note here.  The weight machine in my basement is designed for a man who is already in relatively decent shape.  When I first started “using” the machine, I couldn’t do most upper body exercises on the machine even at the lowest settings

Use the weight machine for tricep extensions instead of my resistance band.

Use the weight machine for arm raises (not sure what they’re actually called, but they work your shoulders.  You just raise your arm from your side to straight up in the air without bending your elbow) instead of my resistance band.

Run a mile.

Enjoy running that mile.

Run a 5K.

Enjoy running a 5K.

Run a 10K (and enjoy it!).

Run a half marathon.

Run a marathon.

Do an unassisted pull-up.

Do 10 unassisted pull-ups.

Do 50 unassisted pull-ups.

See my abdominal muscles.

Sell tickets to my own gun show. 🙂

4 responses »

  1. i ❤ the last one, lol!

    • Thanks! 🙂 I meant it to be somewhat of a joke, but it also kind of reflects on my desire to be comfortable in my own body again. 🙂

      • I know what you mean. I love seeing the numbers go down on the scale, but that’s just a benchmark. What I really love is feeling good about how I look and how I can do this exercise and accomplish that run, etc. I bought new gym clothes over the weekend and damn did I look good at Zumba last night!

  2. Pingback: Week 29 | Life Between Lanes

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